136 E. 154th St. South Holland, IL. 60473
Monthly Storage Cost
Feet and inches
19' or less: $115
19'1" - 24': $130
24'1" - 29': $145
29'1" - 34': $160
34'1" - 39': $180
39'1" - 44': $200
44'1" - 49': $220
49'1" - 54': $240
54'1" - 59": $260
228" or less: $115
229" - 288": $130
289" - 348": $145
349" - 408": $160
409" - 468": $180
469" - 528": $200
529" - 588": $220
589" - 648": $240
649" - 708": $260
Indoor Climate Controlled
Feet and Inches
16'5" or less: $165
16'6" - 17'5": $175
17'6" - 18'5": $185
18'6' - 19'11": $195
20' - 22'5": $205
197" or less: $165
198" - 209": $175
210" - 221": $185
222" - 239": $195
240" - 269": $205
Private Garage
Climate Controlled
20' x 30'
3 Cars plus storage space
Month to month contracts
Convenient online payments (emailed invoices or auto draft)